
MISUMI – Iconography & Illustration

I was entrusted with the revamping of Misumi Europa GmbH‘s icon system, a global manufacturer and distributor of industrial supply parts.  
Problem: Lack of consistency between icons which can lead to confusion, poor user experience, and a lack of trust and professionalism. 
Goal: A cohesive and consistent icon set. Clarity is essential in delivering the correct message. The final set shows the same level of complexity, line weight, corner styling, color scheme, sizes and it is also correlated with the illustration style.

Another task was to create the first custom illustrations which also serve as guidelines for future iterations.

The first illustration stands for MISUMI’s general product portfolio, suggesting the nature of services and products offered to a wide range of industries including 3D printing, automotive, packaging and medical manufacturing.


The second illustration is a visual depiction of the company’s business values in general, pointing out reliability and performance, network complexity, and highly configurable products.



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